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Improving quality
of drinking water

H2OforAll proposes novel technologies and approaches to safeguard the quality of drinking water by minimizing disinfection by-products (DBPs) during disinfection and monitoring their behaviour along the drinking water distribution systems.

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Better understanding and assessment of DBPs formation and evolution

H2OforAll aims to assess main DBPs sources and fate through the development of fast, cost-effective and accurate sensor monitoring devices as well as by modelling their spread through the water distribution systems. The better understanding of DBPs toxicity and environmental impact will allow to propose preventing and mitigating measures to protect EU drinking water-supply quality and safe human use.

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H2OforAll project aims to assess main disinfection by-products (DBPs) and their spread through drinking water distribution systems.

Breakthrough water treatments to remove DBPs or avoid their formation during water disinfection processes will be developed, paying attention to their life cycle analysis, costs and risks.


Assess main DBP sources and fate by developing suitable analytical techniques

Work plan

A work plan is a document that outlines the tasks, resources, and timeline necessary to accomplish a specific goal or project.


Deliverables are final products or services provided to clients or customers as part of a project or contract

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