The Project
H2OforAll project aims to assess main Disinfection By products (DBPs) sources through the development of fast, cost-effective and accurate sensor monitoring devices and by modelling their spread through drinking water distribution systems. DBPs toxicity and environmental impact will be studied and measures will be proposed to protect drinking water chain.
Breakthrough water treatments to remove DBPs or avoid their formation during water disinfection processes will be developed, paying attention to their life cycle analysis, costs and risks. A Central Knowledge Base with reliable data on the occurrence of DBPs in the EU and their effects will be created to increase awareness and engagement of society and governmental organizations about these drinking water contaminants and favour new policy responses and guidance.

Assess main DBPs sources and fate by developing suitable analytical techniques for monitoring such compounds and modelling their spreading through drinking systems
Create a central knowledge base with the occurrence of DBPs in Europe
Evaluate DBPs environmental and health impacts while proposing measures to protect drinking water whole chain and soil (bearing in mind the role of soil health in the quality of freshwater)
Propose cutting-edge water disinfection technologies to prevent DBPs formation as well as treatments to remove them when their formation is unavoidable
Analyse life cycle and risks for the new technologies and materials proposed (adsorbents, catalysts, etc.)
Increase public and policy-makers awareness for DBPs issues by providing reliable data for new policy responses and guidance
Work plan
Coordination and Management
DBPs Sensing, Analysis and Visualizations
Environmental Impacts Risk Assessment of DBPs and Prevention Measures Analysis
Advanced and Cost-Effective Treatment Technologies for Drinking Water
Environmental and economic sustainability assessment
Guidance on Measures, Policy and Public Engagement
Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation
H2OforAll is a Horizon Europe project funded by the European Commission aligned with the European Green Deal for zero pollution.

University of Coimbra

Environment Consulting
Engineering (DHVMED)


Iris Technology Solutions

Cyens Centre Of Excellence

University Of Haifa

Uniwersytet Gdanski

Kunglica Tekniska Hogskolan

Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI)

Universiteit Twente

Advanced Environmental Technologies Lda (ADVENTECH)

Water Europe

Atlantium Technologies Ltd (ATLANTIUM)

Ivl Svenska Miljoinstitutet Ab

Águas De Coimbra EM

Stichting Wetsus, European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology (WETSUS)

University of Leicester

University of Leeds

Advisory Board
H2OforAll is a Horizon Europe project funded by the European Commission aligned with the European Green Deal for zero pollution.